Duration: Full-time – 3 day a week – 30 weeks in addition to some flexible learning.
Time: From 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.
(16.5 hours per week)
Part-time classes also available – 2 days per week
If you have difficulty paying for your course, speak to us. We can arrange a payment plan, discount or other assistance
The Course in EAL is designed for EAL participants who have little or no prior educational experience or whose circumstances have resulted in disrupted education and who need to develop initial level basic English speaking, listening, reading and writing, numeracy and learning skills prior to accessing further English language education and possible employment. The minimum entry point against the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) is Pre Level 1 (PLA). Clients from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds (CALD) enrolling in the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) or the Skills First Program
Skills First:
Concession = $250 (Tuition = $200, Amenities = $20, Materials = $30)
Funded = $1,050 (Tuition = $1,000, Amenities = $20, Materials = $30)
Fee for Service/Full Fee = $4,550 (Tuition = $4,500, Amenities = $20, Materials = $30)
© MHEC – 2023